Links + Resources

Silent Witness Form

Please use this form to provide the Campus Safety Office with information on any campus violations. If you wish to speak with a Wofford Campus Safety Officer, call 864-597-4911.

Community Input Form

Wofford College Department of Campus Safety is concerned with providing members of the community the best service possible. Campus safety officers are either sworn law enforcement officers or South Carolina Law Enforcement Division-certified premise security officers with full powers of arrest and to carry firearms.

The department wants to know and understand how we can better serve you. Suggestions will be studied and given consideration. If you wish to make a suggestion or a complaint, you may complete this form. The information may be confidential, if you wish. All complaints will be investigated thoroughly and appropriate corrective action taken when warranted. You will be informed of the results.

Please feel free to express yourself on any items that you feel needs our attention. We cannot improve our services unless we are aware of your concerns. If this is a complaint, an investigating officer will contact you for further information. The results of a complaint investigation will be provided to you so your correct contact information is important.

Campus Security Authority Resources

To ensure that students, employees and visitors are aware of the safety and security status of college campuses and are better able to take responsibility of their own safety, the Clery Act requires institutions to gather and publish data from individuals identified as Campus Security Authorities or CSAs.

Rave Guardian Frequently Asked Questions

Rave Guardian is a free, personal safety app and service available to Wofford College students, faculty and staff – anyone who has a Wofford College email address.

Safety Training Videos

Access to the following videos is limited to the Wofford campus community. When you click the links below, you will be redirected to the myWofford log in page. Once you have signed in using your myWofford credentials, you will be directed to the video.

Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act

he Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act was signed into law on October 28, 2000. The act amended the Jacob’s Law and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). Its goal was to require sex offenders to provide notice of enrollment or employment at any higher education institution. Passed as a part of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act, the CSCPA required that the information collected because of this act be reported immediately to local law enforcement and entered into the state record systems.

South Carolina Sex Offenders Registry

The CSCPA also amended the Higher Education Act of 1965 to require institutions to disclose campus security policy and campus crime statistics to provide notice of how information concerning registered sex offenders could be found.