Links + Resources

Emerging Leaders Initiative (ELI)

Wofford has a long tradition of preparing women and men for ministry, both lay and ordained. Many Wofford students go on to attend the finest seminaries in the nation and the world. The Emerging Leaders Initiative (ELI) assists students in discerning their call to ministry, discovering their gifts and graces for ministry and choosing the most appropriate path to fulfill their vision for ministry. Student participants are eligible for scholarships and financial aid targeted especially for those who are exploring leadership in the church.

This exciting program provides students an opportunity to explore ministry and theological education while at Wofford. Participants have a mentoring relationship with Chaplain Robinson. 

ELI takes its name from the Eli and Samuel story, which may be found in 1 Samuel 3:1-10. 

ELI participants have internship opportunities, establish important relationships with the nation's best theological schools and divinity schools, explore their sense of call and learn more about themselves, their strengths, gifts, passions and abilities.

Areas of Exploration

ELI participants have opportunities to engage in:

Spiritual Direction - meaningfully connecting the vocational discernment process with one's spiritual and/or religious development 
Self-Awareness – experiences and assessments that enhance understanding of personal strengths, values and interests 
Service - opportunities to develop an awareness of broader global and local needs and an understanding of how one can respond 
Ministry Inquiry - opportunities for mentoring, internships and hands-on learning 
Vocational Discernment - an intentional process of discovery involving listening to one's life and identifying a sense of call 
Theological Education - connect and collaborate with divinity schools and theological seminaries

For more information about ELI, click here.

ELI participants come from a variety of denominations. Wofford is affiliated with the United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church sponsors 14 seminaries and divinity schools. Click here to view the list of United Methodist Seminaries.


Religious Life Groups


Baptist Collegiate Ministry

Students from Converse College, Spartanburg Community College (SCC), Spartanburg Methodist College (SMC), University of South Carolina Upstate and Wofford College make up our community.

We are a ministry of the South Carolina Baptist Convention and the Spartanburg County Baptist Network. BCM is made possible by the giving of churches and individuals to the Cooperative Program.

Everyone is welcome. We are open to folks of all kinds of denominations, faiths and backgrounds. We believe that God made you with a purpose and immense value, and we would love to get to know you.


Campus Outreach

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Hillel (Jewish Student Life)

Interfaith Youth Core

Muslim Student Association


Newman Club

The Wofford College Newman Club is the Catholic student organization on campus. Our purpose is to encourage each other in our ongoing, greater conversion to Christ. As a Newman Club, we come together as a family of faith to praise God, to serve each other and the world around us and to grow in our understanding of what it means to be Catholic.

The Newman Club is named after John Henry Newman (1801-1890), a Catholic cardinal known for his ministry to college students.

Baccalaureate Service

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain into joy.

May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.

And the Blessing of God, who Creates, Redeems and Sanctifies, be upon you and all you love this day, and forever more. Amen.

(Adapted from a Franciscan Blessing)
