Program Pre-Ministry


Wofford College has been preparing students for careers in Christian ministry since it opened its doors in 1854. As the culture and the church have changed over the years, the look of ministry has changed as well. The college prepares students for lay or ordained ministry through the Emerging Leaders Initiative (ELI), a pre-ministerial mentoring and spiritual direction program. Students engage in a guided discernment process that includes theological exploration, strengths assessment, leadership and service opportunities. ELI is open to students across denominations, traditions and backgrounds.

Anna Lee Hoffman ’23

Meet Anna Lee Hoffman ’23

Anna Lee Hoffman majored in humanities. She is pursuing a master’s degree in professional mental health counseling at the University of Georgia. “I have always cared deeply about people, building relationships and mental wellness. The Pre-ministry/ ELI Program at Wofford had a major influence on Meet Hampton Randall ’23 m0y decision to pursue this degree,” she says.

Hampton Randall

Meet Hampton Randall ’23

Hampton Randall majored in environmental studies. Through the ELI initiative and Pre-ministry Program, he researched how to minister through less traditional forms. He is pursuing a master’s degree at Vanderbilt Divinity School, which he hopes to use as a path into academia and writing. “I would recommend this program to anyone who is discerning a vocation that is of service to others,” he says.

Wofford religious and spiritual organizations:

Baptist Collegiate Ministry (Southern Baptist) 
Buddhist Center, Spartanburg
Campus Outreach
Canterbury Club (Episcopal)
Hillel (Jewish)
Hindu Society of Spartanburg
Interfaith Young Adults
Muslim Student Association
Newman Club (Roman Catholic)
Reformed University Fellowship
United Spartanburg (Presbyterian)
Wesley Fellowship (Methodist)