Theatre Scholarship

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Theatre Scholarship

We welcome applications for scholarships in Theatre, including the Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Fine Arts Scholarship of $15,000 a year and merit-based theatre scholarships of $1,000-$5,000 a year. Merit-based theatre scholarships are available in performance, playwriting and design and are contingent upon an audition and interview. The recipient of the Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Fine Arts Scholarship must major in a program within the Department of Theatre.


To be considered for a theatre scholarship you should prepare either two contrasting monologues or a monologue and a song (a capella) of no more than two minutes total. (Age appropriate monologues from a published play only, please.)


If you have written plays or completed lighting plots or set designs, you may submit those as well as, or even instead of, preparing monologues. If you have done significant technical or production work, please detail it in your letter.

All applicants must also bring two letters, in hardcopy, with them to their auditions/interviews: one from you detailing your interest in pursuing further study in theatre, and the the second, a recommendation from a teacher or director who knows you and your work well. A headshot and theatrical resume is helpful as well, but if you don’t have a headshot, there is no need to have one taken professionally at this time.

For additional information, contact Dr. Mark Ferguson ’94, professor of theatre and T.R. Garrison Chair of Humanities at