Employee Wellness Programs

  • Walking challenge
  • Faculty/staff yoga
    • Join faculty and staff in a yoga practice offered on Tuesday and Thursday’s from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in Richardson Athletic Building Dance Studio. Catherine Querin is the instructor. If you would like to be notified if class is canceled or moved unexpectedly please email lefebvrelm@wofford.edu.
  • Yoga on Monday evenings
    • Mondays from 6-7 p.m. in the Richardson Athletic Building Dance Studio. Drs. Jennifer Bradham and Katherine Valde will alternate teaching. Some mats and blocks are provided but you can also bring your own.
  • Marathons
    • Every so often we try to get like minded faculty and staff together to participate in either a half or full marathon. This group may choose to walk or run. We will advertise when this occurs by posting a daily announcement.

Meet Lisa Lefebvre

Lisa Lefebvre, BSN, is the director of the Employee Wellness program and Wofford’s Medical Services. Contact her at 864-597-4367 or lefebvrelm@wofford.edu.

Faculty/Staff Fitness Program

Welcome to the Wofford Wellness programs for faculty and staff.