Student printing

Wofford offers free printing to students. Students may print from any public computer on campus. Student printers are located in Great Oaks Hall in the Roger Milliken Science Center, the Teaching and Learning Studio in the Olin Building, the reference area in the Sandor Teszler Library and the Career Center (Michael S. Brown Village Center).

Students may also use their Wofford email account to print to Wofford printers. Attach a pdf file or Office document (like a Word or Excel file) to an email and send the email to You’ll get a confirmation email back, click on the link in that email, and go to one of Wofford’s “find me” printers. These printers are located in Great Oaks Hall, the Library, the Career Center, and the IT Help Center. Once you login to the printer, you’ll be able to release your document to print.

Have more questions about student printing? Contact the IT Help Center.

Student at a "Find Me" printer

The IT Help Center

The IT Help Center is staffed Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m., by appointment only. After 5 p.m., please email the IT Help Center at or call 864-597-4357 and leave a message. Please be as detailed as possible to describe your issue and leave a contact number. Thank you!

IT Help Center