This issue of Wofford Today is near and dear to my heart. 

During January we asked the college’s alumni base to nominate unsung heroes from among their ranks — people who are doing important work to make our communities safer, healthier, more educated and more economically sound. We received dozens of nominations as well as notes of appreciation from many others. It’s been incredibly rewarding to read the stories that have come from this initiative, and we are committed to telling these stories long into the future.

In addition to our unsung heroes campaign, the college continues to celebrate the Milliken Sustainability Initiative at Wofford College, a project funded by the Romill Foundation that will link the college more closely with the Northside and Glendale communities while considering important sustainability issues on campus. College students have a tremendous capacity to influence change; that’s why we have a responsibility to address issues such as sustainability and community resilience. We are already in the process of hiring an energy metering and monitoring manager and faculty to teach in this area, and we look forward to developing a residence hall and new living and learning community in the Northside in the next few years.

You also will find amazing Interim photos in this issue that will make you long for an Interim experience of your own. In particular, read the story on Yukun Peng ’16, who found her passion for computer science and game design thanks to Wofford Interims. 

It continues to be a transformative academic year, and we at Wofford College appreciate your continued interest, support and encouragement.

Go, Terriers!
