By Trevor Anderson

During the first week of her college journey, Becca, a government major from Chesnee, S.C., joined Wofford’s Launch Program. Through the program, she gained insights that broadened her business knowledge and started her on a path to becoming a fourth-generation owner of Watson’s Furniture, her family’s 72-year-old furniture store in Chesnee.

“I grew up in the store,” Becca says. “I’ve been working here since I was 10 years old, mopping floors, answering phones, whatever I could do. … I just saw it as me helping my dad.”

The passing of her grandparents, Rebecca “Becky” Cash Watson and Arthur Lynn Watson, the store’s second-generation owners, in 2021 and 2022, respectively, prompted Becca to reassess her career path.

“I wanted to be an attorney because I thought I was going to make a difference in the world,” she says. “I never realized I could do that in this building. At their funerals, many people — friends and customers — talked about how much of an impact my grandparents made on their lives. I was like, wow! I can do this and make a difference.”

Katherine Watson, Becca’s great-grandmother, founded the furniture store in 1952. She also started Watson Insurance Agency Inc., also in Chesnee and still owned and operated by members of the Watson family.

Becca’s father, John Watson, owns the furniture store.

“I am very excited for her,” John says. “My parents did the same for us — they saw what we did and didn’t do well and coached us. I am very thankful for all Wofford has done to help her and us. She’s learned more in three years than I have in a lifetime.”

Becca is already making significant strides in revitalizing the store and expanding its offerings. She is remodeling the store’s interior, introducing new brands and planning to pursue interior design school after she graduates from Wofford.

“Everyone says she reminds them of our great-grandmother,” says Luke Watson, Becca’s cousin, who is also involved in the family’s furniture business. “She’s tough and savvy. When she speaks, everyone listens.”

Becca sees the store’s expansion and its upcoming 75th anniversary as opportunities to boost her hometown’s growth and vitality.

“Eventually, we would love to grow into some of the areas around us, but we’re trying to build on our foundation here,” Becca says. “I am proud to carry on this legacy and excited to see how we can continue to make a difference in our community.”