Holistic Healthy Practices

Do you regularly work-out, run or participate in group fitness programs? To stay happy and healthy abroad, it’s important to maintain some type of wellness routine. Ask your program what options are available to you in-country, or where to find “safe” gyms, parks or facilities.

Maintaining a healthy diet while abroad is also crucial. Inform your program about dietary concerns.

Worried about culture shock? It’s real. Know the stages of culture shock and identify coping resources that work best for you. Do you need to arrange access to your current support systems, such as contacting family members or a counselor, or do you need assistance in creating new support systems while abroad?

Plan on participating in the local nightlife while abroad? Engaging in high-risk behaviors/activities, such as: Binge drinking or drug-use, for example, can increase your likelihood to be a potential target for crime, they also violate Wofford policies and protocols for student conduct. Students who violate behavior contracts with Wofford or the study abroad provider could be dismissed from the program and/or Wofford College.

Familiarize yourself with your partner organization’s student behavior/conduct policies: Arcadia, CIEE, DIS, IES and SIT.