Steve Patton, manager of Goodall Building, grounds and gardens, left, works alongside student garden manager Patrick Daly ’24, a biology major from Roanoke, Virginia, in Wofford’s Community Garden.
Wofford College’s Community Garden is an ever-changing landscape that offers hands-on learning experiences year-round:
Students, faculty and staff are invited to cultivate our community plots. Our demonstration garden features a variety of seasonal vegetables.
Meet Jayden Loftis, our current student garden manager. The reins change hands each year or semester, ensuring fresh perspectives and ideas bloom.
The courtyard garden is a space co-managed by Dr. Amy Telligman, associated professor and chair of environmental studies, and by Stephen Patton, manager of the Goodall building, grounds and gardens, and Donnie Eggleton, groundskeeper. Telligman and students enrolled in ENVS 334, Principles of Sustainable Agriculture, use the courtyard garden as a laboratory space to learn about agroecology as they grow and maintain their own vegetable plots. This course is generally taught in the fall semester. During semesters when this course is not offered, the space is maintained by Patton and Eggleton. Jayden Loftis is the current student manager.
Check back soon for the latest on what’s sprouting and what’s being harvested.