Faculty and Staff

Katerina Andrews

Dr. Aikaterini Andrews

Associate Professor of Economics EMAIL: andrewsk@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4517 OFFICE: 303 Main Building
William DeMars

Dr. William E. DeMars

Professor of Government and International Affairs
Faculty Advisor for the Catholic Newman Club
EMAIL: demarswe@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4598 OFFICE: 216 Daniel Building
Courtney Dorroll

Dr. Courtney M. Dorroll

Associate Professor of Religion and Interim Co-Director of the Center for Innovation and Learning EMAIL: dorrollcm@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-5026 OFFICE: 201 Main Building

Biography +

Philip Darrell

Dr. Philip C. Dorroll

Associate Professor of Religion EMAIL: dorrollpc@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4563 OFFICE: 203 Main Building

Biography +

David Efurd

Dr. David S. Efurd

Associate Professor and Chair of Art History and Coordinator of Asian Studies EMAIL: efurdds@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4619 OFFICE: Rosalind Sallenger Richardson Center for the Arts 212

Biography +

Victoria Gilbert

Dr. Victoria Gilbert

Assistant Professor of Government and International Affairs EMAIL: gilbertvj@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4178 OFFICE: 215 Daniel Building Victoria Gilbert's website
Kimberly Hall

Dr. Kimberly A. Hall

Associate Professor of English EMAIL: hallka@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4578 OFFICE: 321 Main Building
Rhiannon Leebrick

Dr. Rhiannon Leebrick

Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology EMAIL: leebrickra@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4555 OFFICE: 121 Main Building
Dr. Ingrid Lilly

Dr. Ingrid Lilly

Assistant Professor of Religion EMAIL: lillyie@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4457 OFFICE: 108 Main Building
Youness Mountaki

Dr. Youness Mountaki

Assistant Professor of Arabic
Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
EMAIL: mountakiy@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4803 OFFICE: 117 Olin Building
Rev. Ron Robinson

The Rev. Dr. Ronald R. Robinson

Perkins-Prothro Chaplain / Professor of Religion EMAIL: robinsonrr@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4051 OFFICE: Main Building
Dr. Anne Rodrick

Dr. Anne Rodrick

Reeves Family Professor of History EMAIL: rodrickab@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4552 OFFICE: 106 Main Building Anne Rodrick's website
Kimberly Rostan

Dr. Kimberly Rostan

Associate Professor of English EMAIL: rostanka@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4194 OFFICE: 229 Main Building
Kaye Savage

Dr. Kaye Sawyer Savage

Professor of Environmental Studies
Director of the Goodall Environmental Studies Center
EMAIL: savageks@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4966 OFFICE: 210 Chandler Center
Dr. Jessica Tomkins

Dr. Jessica Tomkins

Assistant Professor of History EMAIL: tomkinsj@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4056 OFFICE: Main Building 103

Biography +

Rachel Vanderhill

Dr. Rachel J. Vanderhill

Associate Professor and Chair of Government and International Affairs EMAIL: vanderhillrj@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4582 OFFICE: 212 Daniel Building

Biography +

Dr. Clayton Whisnant

Chapman Family Professor of Humanities EMAIL: whisnantcj@wofford.edu PHONE: 864-597-4550 OFFICE: 105 Main Building Clayton Whisnant's website