The neuroscience facilities are housed in the Biology and Psychology departments. The Roger Milliken Science Center houses the Biology, Chemistry, Psychology and Physics departments, creating a vibrant hub of scientific activity. On the first floor you will find the Great Hall study space and a café which promotes interactions among the science faculty and students. Below are some of cutting edge facilities used to support both learning in the classroom and laboratories and publication-quality research within the Program in Neuroscience.
The psychology neuroscience area has a 24 seat teaching laboratory (above) along with research facilities to support Dr. Pittman’s taste behavior and neural recording experiments (below).
There is also a dedicated EEG and cortisol assay laboratory to support the cognitive research of Dr. Bopp and Dr. Steinmetz.
There are dedicated testing rooms used by students in the laboratory sections of neuroscience courses. Students learn how to conduct human neurophysiological recordings such as ECG, EEG (above), EMG, EOG (below), GSR and reaction time among other experimental techniques.